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Naming Rules

Any time you define a function or variable, it is given a unique name called an "identifier". To prevent identifiers from being confused with other items in an expression, they must follow a naming convention. Every programming language has one and they are fairly consistent from language to language.

In Flowgorithm, identifiers must adhere to the following rules:

  • They must start with a letter.
  • After the first letter, the identifier can contain additional letters or numbers.
  • Spaces are not allowed.
  • They cannot be key words or words already defined by Flowgorithm (please see below)

Also note:

  • Languages such as Visual Basic and C also allow the underscore character "_". Flowgorithm, however, does not allow it.
  • Identifiers are not case-sensitive.


Valid Identifiers Notes
x Identifiers can be single letter.
noun2 Numbers are allowed after the first letter



Programming languages often make use of words such as "class", "public", and "if" for readability. Often, these overlap with the naming convention used by identifiers. So, in these cases, the word is considered "reserved" and cannot be used for Identifiers. Many programming languages also predefine functions and other constants and cannot be used.

Reserved Words

Flowgorithm only has a few reserved words that are used in expressions.

and false mod not or pi true

Data Type Keywords

To prevent confusion, the system doesn't allow identifiers to use the name of the data types.

boolean integer real string

Illegal Keywords (used in functions)

Flowgorithm does not permit the names of intrinsic functions to be used.

abs cos random tan tostring
arccos int sgn tochar toreal
arcsin len sin tocode  
arctan log size tofixed  
char log10 sqrt tointeger  

Reserved for Future Use

Future versions of Flowgorithm may expand the number of intrinsic functions. The following were reserved if, someday, they are added.

arccosh cosh
arcsinh sinh
arctanh tanh